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Let's take a LOOONG walk down memory lane and bring you to the PRESENT.

16 YEARS  is a LOT OF MILES, Enjoy...……  :)




Click here to read about each of her novels

"We as human beings are like nature; always changing with time.  It is up to you HOW you embrace change, especially when the BEST within you starts to  EMERGE!

Athena Dent-Alleyne​

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2024 Spirit of A Woman Awards

130-year old Nonprofit organization HONORS women who give back to 'HUMANITY'

I not only take LIFE with 'a grain of salt', I also understand how BLESSED I am to be alive and to be able to live my life's purpose.

I am proud to be a nerd; I do things not based on 'brownie points' or 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'.

I truly enjoy helping others; ever since I was a kid. And 30 years later; it still comes naturally, I think it is because of the DNA in my family.  Wanting to see others feel well, do well and be well is what keeps the smile on my face.

It came as a surpise, when I received a phone call in February that I was going to be one of the 'Honorees' at this year's 'YWCA SOW Awards'!  I love and respect the YWCA's mission, the staff and all that they do every day for others less fortunate.


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