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My Blog

An ongoing series of informational entries

FIRST VENUE of the New Year

January 26, 2019

Happy New Year everyone!.  Well, I opened up the year by doing an 'Author Speaks' Public Speaking event at The Ossining Public Library in Ossining, NY.  By attending a prior networking event, I was invited by Melissa Banton, Exec. Director of OPACC (Ossining Parent Advocating Collectively for Our Children).  Mrs. Banton and I were both on the SAME PAGE in reference to the agenda for today's event.

The purpose for my invitation was to bring something NEW to the Ossining School District by way of Literacy and information!.  We both decided that the perfect book that would address various issues that youths currently deal with would be my Young Adult/Education, "Francescas's Journey".  This book addresses various issues such as bullying, loss of a parent, change of home environment and sexual abuse.  But, it also deals with family, love and most of all...…..COURAGE!.

Whenever I do a venue, I never focus on the quantity of the crowd or volume of people.  It is the QUALITY of people that attend the events.  It was held in their beautiful auditorium; it was a small, intimate crowd, but they were enthusiastic, attentive and engaging with their questions.  It was great to raffle off one of my Book-baskets that contained an AUTOGRAPHED copy of "Francesca's Journey", which the winner was present to take home.  It was a very nice event and I have been invited to come back to do another book signing event, when I release my poetry book this coming Spring, 2021!

What a GREAT way to start off  the New Year!.     :)


Unlimited 'A'rtist

Celebrating 'Ju​neteenth'

June 23, 2019

The Westchester County African American Heritage Celebration at Kensico Dam is an event that I always look forward to and this year was again......


Besides being there as an Entrepreneur, the MAIN purpose was to HONOR our African Ancestors and to celebrate our African Diaspora Culture, which is vast (meaning the WHOLE WORLD) and EXTRAORDINARY!!

Whether you are an African-American, from Latin America, Asia, the Carribean or the Motherland, we are ALL ONE FAMILY!

This being my 3rd year as a Vendor; I was exuberant amongst the thousands of attendees and was able to meet some of them as they patronized my business.

I enjoyed the conversations, met interesting people (some who are on their own 'journeys') and all of this under a BEAUTFUL, SUNNY SKY!!.  THANK YOU to those of you, who purchased my books/book-baskets and for the people, who I networked with.

In closing, LIFE is truly about EVOLVING to be your better self and helping Humanity!.

Peace, until the next event


Unlimited 'A'rtist

NEW BOOK- Commemoration

This has been a time of STILLNESS and RENEWAL!!

While the WORLD deals with a 'PANDEMIC', it has also made each person look at one's life. 

I took this valuable time to complete my 5th book, "The Beginning".  📚

35+years of Poetry that has brought me FULL CIRCLE in my life and 'LITERARY JOURNEY' 🙏💯

I am currently working on something GRANDE (it is a SECRET) and I want to THANK all of my readers and soon to be readers of my stories!! 👍😉

Release date: TBA

Our Latest Blog Entry


April 24, 2021

Along my 'literary journey' for the past 13 years; I have been BLESSED to have been given  opportunities to get exposure for my work (which is hard for a professional WITHOUT an agent).  I also believe that it is all in how you PRESENT yourself.

So, it was even more EXCITING when I received a THUMBS UP from one of my inspirations- Radio Host, Shaila from WBLS FM (107.5) to have my business be featured on her 'SISTERLY MARKETPLACE', a venue for African American-owned businesses. I have been listening to Shaila for the past 22 years (from KISS FM to now).

 It was videotaped; because it an hour-long and I was the last presenter, I will not be able to feature it on my website.  As you can see in the pictures and corresponding with her, she IS as BEAUTIFUL of a human being as one can be!  :) 


July 24, 2021

There are people in this life that we tend to ADMIRE, because of his or her attributes or that person has WALKED THE SAME ROAD as you.  I was fortunate to have been selected back in April to do a virtual 'Shaila's Sisterly Marketplace' venue for business owners!

But who would have thought that Shaila would bring the same event LIVE to the public and guess who was there?

I was on cloud nine, when I finally got meet my shero in person!

Shaila was real in person as she is on the radio; sincere, sassy, smart, sweet. spiritual and sophisticated!  It was not only an honor to meet her, but also to be amongst 15 other phenomenal business owners and ALL were women (there were three men in the mix) at the Livingston Mall in Livingston, New Jersey!!!  :)

The fact that she respects me, my business and has made me a permanent fixture on her 'marketplace list'> THAT IS SO COOL!

I brought my sons along with me and had a GREAT time!

For me, this was a BLESSING on so many levels and all of them pointed UP!



October 16, 2021

When you make a POSITIVE CONNECTION, hold on to it!!

And when opportunity knocks, look through the peephole first, lol.  :)

That's exactly what I did and when I opened the door, it was Shaila again!  I was invited to participate again at 'The Sisterly Kiss PopUp Shop' hosted by Radio Host, Shaila from WBLS, 107.5FM at the Livingston Mall in Livingston, NJ.  It was another GREAT time being amongst other innovative Entrepreneurs and we had a good flow of customers visited our businesses.  Thanks again to the patrons that purchased items from my business.

Shaila, you are truly a gem!!




Coming FULL CIRCLE in my life!

From childhood to adulthood,

through pain and healing,

through laughter and sorrow,

through loss and gain,

I still remain and am BLESSED to share the written word.

Expressions of every kind

for ALL to read and ponder.

So, I will celebrate with you by continuing to share my GIFT of storytelling!



Let the CELEBRATING begin!

I was asked to be a part of an event to celebrate, 'Women's History Month' and I accepted!

What a great way to honor being a woman and start off my 40th CELEBRATION as a Writer!

This is my second collaboration with Louisa McTurner, who is the Owner of Weezie D Boutique and she treated us and the guests like royalty!

What a WONDERFUL event it was and a pleasure to be amongst another Author!

A BIG THANK YOU to my husband and friends, who came to show support and guests, who purchased copies of my books!

It was a GREAT time with great people and great vibes!

Check out the fun below!


To have been BLESSED is to GIVE BACK!!!

It has been important to me (since I was 12 years old) to LIVE MY LIFE'S PURPOSE!

Being able to share my education, knowledge, wisdom through book and street smarts, life experiences (whether they be good or bad) and many, many years of various experiences.

Being half a century young, LOL, I decided to take my tenacity and go on a 'SCHOOL TOUR'!

This year-long tour (2022-2023) would be geared towards teens (ages: 12-18), educators in middle/junior & high schools.

And so as to not make it boring, wrap it up in comedy> Good luck with that, :)

I will be doing giveaways from my business, Unlimited 'A'rtist, but these prizes will be earned through testing teens on their book smarts!

So; I AM READY, GET SET and GO!!!!!



Ending 2022 on a HIGH NOTE

This was a BLESSING and then some!!!

Having SURVIVED the COVID Epidemic; I gave THANKS every day that the DIVINE CREATOR allowed me to see another day and many days thereafter!!!

As I closed out 2022 and after a 2-year hold, I took that opportunity to RE-RELEASE my 6th novel (with a new cover and publisher), "One of a Kind Love"- 10th Anniversary Edition!!!

This was the first book signing for my NEW book and it was held at Weezie D Boutique Showroom, Tuckahoe, NY.  It was AWESOME to be with the public again to share my story and one of the attendees was fortunate to WIN one of my Book-baskets from a raffle!  This was the first of many book signings to come!

I am so grateful and humbled that I get to LIVE MY LIFE'S PURPOSE!!!

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There are many things that I hold dear and one of them is 'Respect for my elders'!

This past March, 2023 in honor of 'Women's History Month'; I was SHOCKED when I was informed that I was the Recipient for this year's award from the nonprofit orgnaization, NANBPWC, Inc.  This organization was established in 1935 to honor Black women, who are professionals and business owners!  I was awarded a plaque and I was extremely HUMBLED by the honor!

So; it was truly a pleasure to meet the President- Mrs. Beryl Small in person when she visited and shopped at the Greenburgh Farmers Market, where I am a Farmers Market Manager.  I am GRATEFUL that my life's work (purpose) is RESPECTED!

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Back in June, 2018; I fulfilled one of my life's PURPOSES as a Writer-Teach youths through literacy!

I introduced my YA/Education book, "Francesca's Journey" to one of the oldest communtiy nonprofit organizations (125 years old)-


Located in the City of Yonkers, I received APPROVAL from the CEO, who then directed me to the counselors in charge of the afterschool program, The YMCA Clubhouse.  After the four-member staff read my book and liked it, they decided to implement the book into the program.  Seven teens read my and LIKED IT!  I did not take this for granted, because teens will straight out tell you if they like or do not like something.  

To show my GRATITUDE, I gave them a 'Book Club Party' and it was a blast!

I gave each of the teens certificates and the staff, prizes and did a Q&A about the book.  I was surprised, when I found out the event was published in the 'Yonkers Rising Newspaper'.



Being a member of a nonprofit is a RESPONSIBILITY, not about status!  When I was elected in (2020) as a Board Member for the 25-year old, Yonkers-based organization: 

Sister-To-Sister International, I took it as I took everything else in my life- Seriously!

In 2021; I again saw this as an opportunity to share my literary work with the youth.

So when I approached the CEO & Founder of the organization- Cheryl Brannan, she reviewed my YA/Education book, "Francesca's Journey" and then gave me a THUMBS UP.  I introduced it to the girls in the 'STEAM Summer Camp Academy'.

I received such positive feedback from the students and gave away a prize (from my business- Unlimited 'A'rtist).



Click here to read about each of her novels

"We as human beings are like nature; always changing with time.  It is up to you HOW you embrace change, especially when the BEST within you starts to  EMERGE!

Athena Dent-Alleyne

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2024 Spirit of A Woman Awards

130-year old Nonprofit organization HONORS women who give back to 'HUMANITY'

I not only take LIFE with 'a grain of salt', I also understand how BLESSED I am to be alive and to be able to live my life's purpose.

I am proud to be a nerd; I do things not based on 'brownie points' or 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'.

I truly enjoy helping others; ever since I was a kid. And 30 years later; it still comes naturally, I think it is because of the DNA in my family.  Wanting to see others feel well, do well and be well is what keeps the smile on my face.

It came as a surpise, when I received a phone call in February that I was going to be one of the 'Honorees' at this year's 'YWCA SOW Awards'!  I love and respect the YWCA's mission, the staff and all that they do every day for others less fortunate.


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