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Athena Dent's Bio

From a young age, Athena Dent knew her purpose in life and that was to be a Humanitarian.  Besides being a former Social Worker (12 years), Nursing Assistant (4 years), Licensed Daycare Provider; caring and nurturing infants/children/teens (30 years), Educator (Pre-K Teacher), Advocate, Mentor and Volunteer, she has ALWAYS had one passion...….writing.

She began writing poetry at the age of 14 and even while working in various professions, her writing evolved.  She decided to do screenwriting and wrote five screenplays.  After having her one of her novels reviewed by professionals in the Performing Arts; it was recommended that she write novels, so that she could get more exposure.  After much thought; she took one of her screenplays, "Silk" and turned it into a manuscript.  After two years of trying to obtain a professional agent to represent her and assist to get a reputable publishing company (and 50+ rejection letters), she decided to self-publish her book.  At the time, Mrs. Dent was going through a DEVASTATING life situation and the result was her going through a POSITIVE healing process.   That process resulted in her completing three books consecutively!. 


After 25 years of writing; she published her first book, "Silk" in 2009, followed by her second book, "One of a Kind Love" in 2010.  In 2014; she completed three more manuscripts- "Francesca's Journey, "Emerging Cocoon" (sequel to "Silk") and "The Beginning (poetry).  

In 2016; she published her third book, "Francesca's Journey", which was inspired by her 8-year work experience as a Child Welfare Specialist assisting families in the Foster Care system and is her first Young Adult/Education book.  Her goal for this book is to get the book into every middle/high school in the country.  In the same year; she published her fourth book, "Emerging Cocoon" (sequel to "Silk")> 2017 RECIPIENT-PHYLLIS WHEATELY BOOK AWARDS. 

In 2015; she completed her sixth manuscript, "Lady A: The Life of a Teddy bear" (first Children's book; a 13-mini book series and each book comes with a teddy bear).  In 2018; her YA/Education book, "Francesca's Journey" was implemented (1st time book material) into the 'Yonkers YMCA Clubhouse'- an afterschool youth education & prevention program for youths.  She is also an Editor, Ghostwriter mentors other writers.  In 2018, she celebrated 10 years as an Author with the RELEASE of the 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION of "Silk" (re-released through another publisher).   After being BLESSED to make it through the COVID Epidemic; in October, 2022, she celebrated by FINALLY releasing the 10th ANNIVERSARY of her 2nd book, "One of A Kind Love"!!!!!   

The underlying factors for all of Mrs. Dent's books are to EDUCATE, HEAL and INSPIRE!.  

Her books have been approved and implemented into various school settings, youth programs and nonprofit organizations.  Despite experiencing various tragedies throughout her life; she has used FAITH, PRAYER & TENACITY to TRIUMPH into having a pro-active, enthusiastic and exceptional life!.


Mrs. Dent has a B.A. Degree in Human Services, many years of medical and child care training/work experience and is a Certified Health Coach.  Besides being an Entrepreneur for the past 13 years with her Certified MWBE/multidimensional business, Unlimited 'A'rtist; she was a former employee of the International company, FEDEX Ground (5 years and was awarded 'Employee Of The Month' twice).  She is also a Community Advocate/Activist in various organizations: she was the former Vice President at AutismProject FLOS, Inc.> an organization that provides parental services, advocacy support and recreational events to families with special needs children in Lower Hudson Valley, NY (2015-2018).  She currently is a long-time member of YAAHC (Yonkers African American Heritage Committee (since 2017; for the Correspondence & Recording Secretary for 6 years) > a 50-yr. old non-profit, grassroots organization that maintains African Ancestral Homage and diverse culture through education, information and celebrations in Yonkers, NY.   She is a former member of the YMCA of Yonkers Clubhouse Advisory Board, former member of the NCNW (National Council of Negro Women) and in 2020, she was elected as a Board Member at the nonprofit organization, Sister-to-Sister International (she is active member and serves on various sub-committees).  She was a former Board Member of Westchester Sickle Cell Outreach (July, 2021-October, 2021).

For the past 12 years, she has been an active Board Member & Executive Asst. (and Fashion Commentator, when needed) with the nonprofit organization- J. Love Fashion School of Etiquette, Inc., which is also a premiere school that teaches young people and people with various disabilities about the Fashion Industry, Etiquette and Modeling instruction and mentoring.   From 2021-2024, she was a Farmers Market Manager at the 'Greenburgh Farmers Market' in Greenburgh, NY (White Plains).


Besides being a wife and mother of two young adult men (one of which has a diagnosed disability- Autism); she has done volunteer work for the past 35 years and does Humanitarian work with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Family Yonkers YMCA, The YWCA of Yonkers, Nepperhan Community Center (Yonkers, NY), JCY of Westchester (SMART program), other organizations and public schools. 

In 2016; she was a RECIPIENT of the 'The 3rd Annual Women Who Dare To Be Different Awards' ceremony (Greenburgh- Westchester, NY). and has also received other awards through her profession and Humanitarian work.  

She is avid in fitness and nutrition (she has studied/practices nutrition for over 40 years and shares holistic living with others).  In September, 2021 she furthered her education in Nutrition and Wellness by becoming a Certified Health Coach.  She loves art, music, reading and collects teddy bears.  She practices and studies Martial Arts; she obtained her Black Belt in Taw Kwon Doe at the age of 41 and would like to teach the art form in the near future.  She looks forward to having a 'Mobile Book Store', a brick and mortar store on wheels and traveling more in the near future to share her stories across the United States and the world!!! 


*HONOREE: 'The 3rd Annual Women Who Dare To Be Different Awards Dinner'*

Greenburgh, NY (March, 2016)

*Received: Certificate of Merit, NYS Assembly

Proclamation, NYS Senate- 35th District Senate Democratic Leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Certificate of Recognition, Town Council (Town of Greenburgh, NY)

Special Recognition Award (Plaque)



Yonkers PAL (Police Athletic League)

          Yonkers, NY (April, 2016)    



                         Yonkers PAL (Police Athletic League)                              

      Yonkers, NY (April, 2017)   



FINALIST- "Emerging Cocoon" (sequel to "Silk") Literary Fiction

Harlem, NY  (September, 2017)


*BLUE DOOR ART CENTER: 'Women by Women Exhibition' *

*Featured Artist: Book, "Emerging Cocoon"- Award-Winning novel

Yonkers, NY  (February-March, 2018)


*FEDEX  GROUND (International Company)*


Elmsford, NY  (August, 2018)


* FEDEX GROUND (International Company) *


Elmsford, NY  (September, 2019)



Women's History Month; National Council of Negro Women (Hudson Valley Section)

Event Chairperson: Artistic Director & Producer

Yonkers, NY  (March, 2019)



'Murphy & Friends' (TV Host, Theresa Murphy) TV Interview

White Plains, NY  (October, 2019)



Radio Host, Shaila from WBLS, 107.5 FM

Business showcase

(April, 2021)



Yonkers Riverfront Library

Yonkers, NY  (November, 2021)



The Black Business Entrepreneur by Host, Jeff Gatsby Wilson

Podcast (December, 2022)



J. Love Fashion School of Etiquette, Inc.

Board Member & Executive Asst.

Sunset Hall, Mount Vernon, NY (December, 2022)



Community Vibes with Brown Eyes by Host Nichelle Phillips

'Storytelling and Writing For Change'

(Along with son, Daniel Z. Leid)

Newark, NJ (April, 2023)



J. Love Fashion School of Etiquette, Inc.

Board Member, Executive Assistant & Fashion Commentator

(Special guest, NYC Mayor, Eric Adams)

Gracie Mansion, NYC (June, 2023)


*18th Annual Lenny Green Family Day*

J. Love Fashion School of Etiquette, Inc.

Fashion Commentator

Brooklyn, NY (August, 2023)



YWCA of Yonkers


Yonkers, NY (March, 2024)


And the beat of LOVE GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND.........





A Writer/Author straight from the Heart


CELEBRATING '10 YEARS' as a Author

There is a saying by the Native Americans- 'No one else can walk in your moccasins'.  Through rejection, financial deficiency, sacrifice and loooong days on my feet, I was so GRATEFUL to have hit this MILESTONE!.

I'm looking forward to creating another 10, 20, 30 years...….


'WOMEN BY WOMEN' Art Exhibition

What a SURPRISE it was when my Award-Winning book, "Emerging Cocoon" (sequel to "Silk) was selected to be a part of an Exhibition for Women's History Month (March, 2018) at The Blue Door Art Center in Yonkers, NY (downtown Yonkers).  It was the FIRST time a Writer/Author's work was a part of an Art Gallery Exhibition.  It was humbling and I was honored to be amongst other great artists. 

The public came out in full force to support this event despite the weather!.

Celebrating Women and their Talents



I do what I do, because it is an extension of myself.  I never look for awards or praise from anyone.  However; it is nice when someone notices your character, life's work and tenacity.

In 2015, I was chosen along with 11 other women as we were honored at 'The 3rd Annual Women Who Dare To Be Different Awards' ceremony at the historical Theodore D. Young Community Center in Greenburgh, NY.

This ceremony was as GRAND as any ceremony in Hollywood or the United Nations.  All of the women were surrounded by family, friends, neighbors, dignitaries and most of all...….LOVE!.


Click here to read about each of her novels

"We as human beings are like nature; always changing with time.  It is up to you HOW you embrace change, especially when the BEST within you starts to  EMERGE!

Athena Dent-Alleyne​

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2024 Spirit of A Woman Awards

130-year old Nonprofit organization HONORS women who give back to 'HUMANITY'

I not only take LIFE with 'a grain of salt', I also understand how BLESSED I am to be alive and to be able to live my life's purpose.

I am proud to be a nerd; I do things not based on 'brownie points' or 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'.

I truly enjoy helping others; ever since I was a kid. And 30 years later; it still comes naturally, I think it is because of the DNA in my family.  Wanting to see others feel well, do well and be well is what keeps the smile on my face.

It came as a surpise, when I received a phone call in February that I was going to be one of the 'Honorees' at this year's 'YWCA SOW Awards'!  I love and respect the YWCA's mission, the staff and all that they do every day for others less fortunate.


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